Wednesday, August 09, 2006

It's my birthday and.....

.......I'll party if I want to, drink if I want to, sleep if I want to. You'd do it to if it ...well...was your birthday :P

So I'm 31 years old today. Hold the applause, please, and just send gifts! It's been a stellar 31 years of existence to date and I'm looking forward to what can only be a bright and shiny future! Okay, hopefully it's at least a good and low-on-the-shitty-side-of-things future. That would be cool.

So I raise a glass and toast to being 31. Cheers and good wishes folks, I'm off to get drunk!


Kevin Sole said...

Happy Birthday you living fart.

I'll get your present soon.

... no, it's not a blowjob.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Obsidian3D said...

Happy birthday dooder. We'll go party next month when I'm back. Oh yes, party we shall...

Richard "Virge" Barkman said...

Thanks folks! You've made the transition from being a youthful 30 year old to now being an old and bitter 31 year old so much easier :P

It's good to be old and beautiful. Cheers kids!

Anonymous said...

So you're 31 eh! Happy B-day!

Don't get too busy bozo or I'll kick you're ass!

See you in a few........