Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I finished The Deathly Hollows tonight!

Although this doesn't seem like much of a feat, or really even that big of a deal, I still need to blog about it! Tonight, I finished Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows. For those of you who know me well, this is a tremendous accomplishment. I've read through a fair share of books in my time, but nothing in comparison to this. I'm a slow reader, and besides comics I don't read a lot of "printed" material. But with this, I read every page, absorbed every word, and experienced the most emotionally gratifying story I've ever read. More times then not my heart raced; plenty of times I had to wipe tears out of my eyes. I became very emotionally invested as I delved deeper and deeper into the story. I can't remember a time in recent memory where I've felt like this.

It's truly over. The story has come to a close. And by finishing this book I've been able to put a bit of closure on a very trying chapter in my life. Every time someone fell to Voldermort in this book, I felt for those around them. I could feel their pain. Because that's what I've been feeling for 4 months now. For 4, long months. I've done my best to avoid it, done everything I can to stay busy enough to not have to deal with it. But thanks to this story, this silly little book (not to be taken in a demeaning way) I was shown a way to confront it. J.K.'s words allowed me the insight I needed to look at everything I've gone through, to process everything I feel and need to feel, because I had this wonderful cast of characters to follow. They suffered, they struggled, and in the end, they endured. Now I'm not saying I've dealt with anything the likes of what Harry and the gang were put through, but metaphorically speaking I can certainly relate. I have lost someone truly great from my life, and I've had triumphs and tragedies to deal with. But so far I've tried really hard to persevere. And I think I'm doing okay. In fact, thanks to this "accomplishment", I know I am. I'm getting by, and will continue to do so for a long, long time.

So I leave you with this tonight: If you need an escape, if you need some way of forgetting about everything for awhile, read a book. Hell, go read Harry Potter. It's helped me in more ways then I can truly express and I think it could help anyone if they're willing to let it.

Take care all.

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