Thursday, January 22, 2009

A new year, a new (out) look......

Welcome to the still being improved blog of Richard V. Barkman!! As it's now 2009 and it's been far too long since I've posted on here (again), I figured a change in the scenery would be good! So what have I been up to you ask? Well, not what most people who know me would expect. I haven't really done much drawing lately, as my focus for it just hasn't been there. Instead I've been traveling a bit, going to the Dominican Republic just before Christmas for a nice all inclusive vacation. It was beautiful there, and the down time was definitely needed.

While I was down there, I took a lot of time to evaluate my life and come up with a focus for the next few years. I'm tired of being in the rut I'm in, as it's stifled my creativity in a huge way. I'm not overly happy with my day job (I work in the decal industry doing everything from bus wraps to window displays) as it has no future unfortunately. So I have decided to do something to give myself a future. This fall, I am looking into going back to school. My pursuit? I want to be an Acupuncturist! Now why such a change or a departure from the norm you may ask? Well, a few years ago I injured my shoulder really bad (doing decals) and was on the brink of needing surgery. Instead, I got to rehab my shoulder, and part of that rehab was the use of Acupuncture. And it worked amazingly!! I've seen the results first hand, and have been intrigued about it ever since.

I also believe that "alternative medicine", as Acupuncture seems to be labeled as here, has a huge future. And I want to be a part of it! I want a job I'm happy with, one that gets me excited to get out of bed everyday and go to work. And I want to learn as much as possible right now! So I'm looking forward to pursuing this further. And as soon as I have everything sorted out, I'll post it here!!

Now, as for my artwork and my pursuit of greatness in the field of comics, I'm still plugging away at it. But not like I have been in the past. Comics are a passion of mine, but I really can't see myself turning them into a career. I enjoy drawing as a hobby, but have found over the past few years that whenever that hobby becomes a job that I don't enjoy it like I should. So I will continue to draw and create when the time allows it, and when I get things drawn that I'm stoked about I will also post those here! So welcome to 2009 everyone, and for myself, I'm looking forward to a fresh start for my new future!!

Take care all.

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