Monday, November 06, 2006

So they're going to hang him......

Just thought I'd post a quick thought. Turns out that the good folks overlooking Saddam Hussein's trial have reach a verdict in his case and have come to an agreement: Death by hanging.

I'm not an overly political person and try not to voice my opinions on such topics too loudly (you never know who's listening), but today I have to. And it's simple really. He's getting what he has earned. Pure acid could not wash away the blood that is on Saddam's hands. And now he's going to die. The afterlife should be the most punishing of all for this man.

Because now he has to face what he's done. His victims will be waiting. And whoever he meets after he takes his last breath is truly going to hold him accountable for his crimes in this life. That's a hell I wouldn't wish on anybody.

Except him.


Anonymous said...

Iffy topic I'll admit. I do agree he needs to be punished, but I almost feel the death by hanging sentence is... purposely vindictive. Saddam requested not to be hanged, but rather shot in a firing squad. Death by hanging is for commoners... but a firing squad is for soldiers. It seemed the choice to execute him by hanging is just a dig at the fact he requested not to be.
But then again, I try not to get too involved personally in these kinds of matters. I'm don't really condone the death penalty for any reason.

Richard "Virge" Barkman said...

I agree the topic is a tough one, but I can't help but feel his punishment is deserving. He has shown no remorse for the crimes he's committed, against alot of people who did nothing to deserve what they got. It may be vindictive to hang him like a commoner, and there is an argument for whether or not he deserves a "soldier's death" and should be shot by firing squad, but in my opinion the punishment is very fitting. I too am not one to condone the death penalty in most cases, but in this case I'm turning a blind eye.