I'm laughing right now. Very hard. And not because I read something funny, but instead because the funniest thing is happening right now to my best friend. You see, him and another friend both have blogs, both linked from this sight. And on their blogs they've both mentioned from time to time about the perils of dating and their frustration with the "game". One in particular finds the whole experience to be a great big headache, vowing instead to not bother getting into the game so he doesn't have to deal with the end results. It's a defeatist attitude, but it's something he strongly believes in so I don't push the issue more than I could. Now, I believe I have a reason.
Both my friends posted a quiz on their blogs with 56 questions in total. The same quiz can be found on this blog as well. My best friend answered in his typical fashion, with cynicism and pessimism, while my other friend seemed to take a more light-hearted approach and answered with humourous replies to many of the questions. But the end result was clear: they are down on their luck with love and frustrated by the opposite sex. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not thinking negatively about either person. They answered the questions no differently then I would have expected them to and both have their reasons for it. And I know there have been times when I've felt the same. But something happened I don't think either one of them expected to happen. Much to both their suprise, a real life, flesh and blood woman called them out. She questioned their responses and gave them something to consider. And she started it all with one reply.
She told my best friend that "both of them needed to be whomped upside the head". She said to him that in his post he doubted any girl had a crush on him, but that both he and my other friend probably get hit on all the time and just don't pick up on it. Granted, it might be subtle since girl comic geeks are often as shy and awkward as their male counterparts, but it does happen. She even told him that he was" Cute, funny and can cook Kraft Dinner, what more could a girl ask for? Start asking for phone numbers."
Now a typical response from most of us would be something like "Wow, if it was only that easy!" He wasn't sure how to respond.
But uhm, wait a second, did a girl just tell them to start asking for phone numbers? Did they get unsolicited advice from a.......girl? Holy shit, I guess they did!
Now here is where the fun starts. The questions began, and the wheels started turning. The search was on for "Miss Cellaneous". Even doubt set in and they wondered if she was real at all. But after a lengthy back-and-fourth "do I know you, have we met?" and "it's probably easy for you to give advice since if you are who I think you are you're married" reply-fest on the topic, it turns out all 3 of us have met the woman in question. She is very much real. And from what I remember (I'm the one with the good memory) she is also very nice, and very pretty. So's also NOT MARRIED. So you might be asking yourself, "What the blue hell is the point of this post then? You've only recapped events that are already documented so get to it!"
Here's my point. This girl went out of her way to point out to my friends that there are women out there who have the same doubts and insecurities that us male geeks do, but it doesn't have to be this way. Because for every girl out there who might snub you, ingnore you, or just flat out not give you the time of day, there is the "Miss Cellaneous" girls who won't. They see you. They find something in you that makes them smile, makes them feel good, and they spend time thinking about you just as much as you do about them. They exist, and now my friend has been given an opportunity for what I call self redemption. His life doesn't have to suck, and he doesn't have to be miserable and condemned to eternal loneliness. She is out there, she's real. Take the time to get out of your funk and make a change in your life for the better. Take a chance. It might end up leading to nothing but it's a start.
Now he might say "Well I don't see you doing anything to not be single!" and that's why I'm laughing. Because he may believe he's right, but he's not. In the past couple of days alone I've exchanged phone numbers, made plans for getting together with one of the girls I've met, and have made it a point to do something about my situation. I'm optomistic about things and I'm quite happy to give it a try. She has been on my mind constantly, and it's a good feeling. I have something to look forward to and I like the anticipation. Who knows, I might have met a girl I could end up very happy with, or at the very least I've made a new friend.
For me it's all about timing, always has been and always will be. Granted, he might say it's easier for me, but I say it's only easier because I let it be. And now it's his turn. The timing couldn't be better.
In the end Miss Cellaneous has given my best friend a reason try. I hope he's willing to finally do something.
Welcome to the blog of Richard V Barkman! I ramble, I write, I draw, and I...well ramble! Enjoy at your own risk.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Because all the cool kids are doing it......
Since 2 of my friends have posted this quiz in their blogs I thought I would as well. It seems like fun.
1) How old do you wish you were?
I'm comfortable being 30. I've have 30 good years of experience the lean on!
2)Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I was at home getting ready for work. I never went in that day.
3)What do you do when a vending machine steals your money?
I get a little pissed off. Then I usually walk away.
4)Do you consider yourself kind?
Most of the time.
5)If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
I have several tattoos already; the next one will be on my right shoulder.
6)If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
7)Do you know your neighbors?
Yes, he's one of my best friends.
8)What do you consider a vacation?
Anywhere that is far from home and brings me relaxation.
9)Do you follow your horoscope?
No, but I do get a kick out of reading it.
10)Would you move for the person you loved?
Yes, and I almost did once.
11)Are you touchy feely?
I am with the right woman. Right meaning someone who also likes to be touchy feely.
12)Do you believe opposites attract?
Not really. I believe attractiveness is different for everybody. Wheteher your opposites or not depends on the people involved.
13)Dream job?
Comic book creator. Oh wait, I already do that. So I'd want to be like the cool guys on Outdoor Life Network that get paid to travel the globe. Lucky guys!
14)Favorite channel(s)
Teletoon, OLN, Spike, TSN.
15)Favorite place to go on weekends?
The movie theater.
16)Showers or baths?
17)Do you paint your nails?
Not as a general rule.
18)Do you trust people easily?
I take everyone at face value. Trust is earned over time.
19)What are your phobias?
I do not like Bee's or Wasps. I'm alergic to bee stings and usually do my best to stay away from them.
20)Do you want kids?
In the right situation definately. For now I'll live viccariously through my sisters.
21)Do you keep a hand written journal?
22)Where would you rather be right now?
Hawaii. So I could go surfing tommorow.
23)What makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
A sincere hug and a warm smile from someone I like. And my friend Lalena's cat Lexx. He's cool.
24)Heavy or light sleeper?
25)Are you paranoid?
Not that I'm aware of.
26)Are you impatient?
Yes, definatlely, but not with all things. Just with stuff that seems important to me that need to be addressed right away.
27)Who can you relate to?
I don't know how to answer this. I'm adaptive to my surroundings, so I guess almost anyone I meet I can find something to relate to. But I don't go out of my way to try to relate to everyone I meet. Makes sense in my head :P
28)How do you feel about interracial couples?
The same as I do about any and all couples. If you're happy and it works, go for it. Race, sexual preference, age, etc, as long as you love one another is all that matters.
29)Have you been burned by love?
Yes I have. I don't know too many people that haven't.
30)What's your favorite pick-up line?
Ha, I don't have one. Do they really even work?
31)What's the main ring tone on your mobile?
The one that came with the phone. "Hello Moto!"
32)What were you doing at midnight last night?
Eating pizza with the neighbor and his Uncle at Boston Pizza. Our waitress looked like Gwenyth Paltrow!
33)What did the last text on your cellphone say?
"Dude, that strip goes down in the history books!" It was in regards to the Twice Thursday comic strip I did this week.
34)Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
My bed.
35)What colour shirt are you wearing?
36)Most recent movie you watched?
Hitch. Very good movie I might add.
37)Name three thing you have on you at all times?
All times? My limbs, my hair, and my wonderful sense of humour!
38)What colour are your bed sheets?
Beige and Navy Blue.
39)How much cash do you have on you right now?
Around $40.
40)What is your favorite part of the chicken?
The breast.
41)What's your favorite town/city?
Besides Calgary, Seattle is awesome. San Diego is cool too.
42)I can't wait till:
I go on my upcoming trip to San Diego. It's going to be awesome!
43)Who sent this to you?
Nobody. I seen the quiz on Kevin's and Brian's blogs and decided to take it myself.
44)What did you have for dinner last night?
Tropical Chicken Pizza.
45)How tall are you barefoot?
5'10" I think.
46)Do you own a gun?
I own 2 airsoft guns. They look real and feel real, they're just not as dangerous.
47)What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Lots of water, followed by a Tim Horton's XL double double.
48)What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Well it wouldn't be a secret if I wrote it down here now, would it?
49)Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
Someplace where I'm happy. Maybe the coast. So I can surf.
50)Last thing you ate?
Some Doritos.
51)What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower I sing in the car. And there are too many to name.
52)Last thing that made you laugh?
Most of Kevin and Brian's answers to this quiz. Those guys are goofy!
53)Worst injury you've ever had?
It's a toss up between a broken forearm and a seperated shoulder. Both hurt like hell but I can't remember which hurt worse.
54)Does someone have a crush on you?
I don't know but I sure hope so :D And if your out there, let me know!
55)What's your favorote candy?
56)What song do you want played at your funeral?
I have a couple. Angel by Sarah McLachlin, I Grieve by Peter Gabriel, The Grace by Never Ending White Lights, and then King of Spain by Moxy Fruvous to lighten the mood!
So their's my answers folks. Take time and answer this quiz yourself. It's fun and you might be surprised by some of the answers you give.
1) How old do you wish you were?
I'm comfortable being 30. I've have 30 good years of experience the lean on!
2)Where were you when 9/11 happened?
I was at home getting ready for work. I never went in that day.
3)What do you do when a vending machine steals your money?
I get a little pissed off. Then I usually walk away.
4)Do you consider yourself kind?
Most of the time.
5)If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
I have several tattoos already; the next one will be on my right shoulder.
6)If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
7)Do you know your neighbors?
Yes, he's one of my best friends.
8)What do you consider a vacation?
Anywhere that is far from home and brings me relaxation.
9)Do you follow your horoscope?
No, but I do get a kick out of reading it.
10)Would you move for the person you loved?
Yes, and I almost did once.
11)Are you touchy feely?
I am with the right woman. Right meaning someone who also likes to be touchy feely.
12)Do you believe opposites attract?
Not really. I believe attractiveness is different for everybody. Wheteher your opposites or not depends on the people involved.
13)Dream job?
Comic book creator. Oh wait, I already do that. So I'd want to be like the cool guys on Outdoor Life Network that get paid to travel the globe. Lucky guys!
14)Favorite channel(s)
Teletoon, OLN, Spike, TSN.
15)Favorite place to go on weekends?
The movie theater.
16)Showers or baths?
17)Do you paint your nails?
Not as a general rule.
18)Do you trust people easily?
I take everyone at face value. Trust is earned over time.
19)What are your phobias?
I do not like Bee's or Wasps. I'm alergic to bee stings and usually do my best to stay away from them.
20)Do you want kids?
In the right situation definately. For now I'll live viccariously through my sisters.
21)Do you keep a hand written journal?
22)Where would you rather be right now?
Hawaii. So I could go surfing tommorow.
23)What makes you feel warm and fuzzy?
A sincere hug and a warm smile from someone I like. And my friend Lalena's cat Lexx. He's cool.
24)Heavy or light sleeper?
25)Are you paranoid?
Not that I'm aware of.
26)Are you impatient?
Yes, definatlely, but not with all things. Just with stuff that seems important to me that need to be addressed right away.
27)Who can you relate to?
I don't know how to answer this. I'm adaptive to my surroundings, so I guess almost anyone I meet I can find something to relate to. But I don't go out of my way to try to relate to everyone I meet. Makes sense in my head :P
28)How do you feel about interracial couples?
The same as I do about any and all couples. If you're happy and it works, go for it. Race, sexual preference, age, etc, as long as you love one another is all that matters.
29)Have you been burned by love?
Yes I have. I don't know too many people that haven't.
30)What's your favorite pick-up line?
Ha, I don't have one. Do they really even work?
31)What's the main ring tone on your mobile?
The one that came with the phone. "Hello Moto!"
32)What were you doing at midnight last night?
Eating pizza with the neighbor and his Uncle at Boston Pizza. Our waitress looked like Gwenyth Paltrow!
33)What did the last text on your cellphone say?
"Dude, that strip goes down in the history books!" It was in regards to the Twice Thursday comic strip I did this week.
34)Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
My bed.
35)What colour shirt are you wearing?
36)Most recent movie you watched?
Hitch. Very good movie I might add.
37)Name three thing you have on you at all times?
All times? My limbs, my hair, and my wonderful sense of humour!
38)What colour are your bed sheets?
Beige and Navy Blue.
39)How much cash do you have on you right now?
Around $40.
40)What is your favorite part of the chicken?
The breast.
41)What's your favorite town/city?
Besides Calgary, Seattle is awesome. San Diego is cool too.
42)I can't wait till:
I go on my upcoming trip to San Diego. It's going to be awesome!
43)Who sent this to you?
Nobody. I seen the quiz on Kevin's and Brian's blogs and decided to take it myself.
44)What did you have for dinner last night?
Tropical Chicken Pizza.
45)How tall are you barefoot?
5'10" I think.
46)Do you own a gun?
I own 2 airsoft guns. They look real and feel real, they're just not as dangerous.
47)What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Lots of water, followed by a Tim Horton's XL double double.
48)What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Well it wouldn't be a secret if I wrote it down here now, would it?
49)Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
Someplace where I'm happy. Maybe the coast. So I can surf.
50)Last thing you ate?
Some Doritos.
51)What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower I sing in the car. And there are too many to name.
52)Last thing that made you laugh?
Most of Kevin and Brian's answers to this quiz. Those guys are goofy!
53)Worst injury you've ever had?
It's a toss up between a broken forearm and a seperated shoulder. Both hurt like hell but I can't remember which hurt worse.
54)Does someone have a crush on you?
I don't know but I sure hope so :D And if your out there, let me know!
55)What's your favorote candy?
56)What song do you want played at your funeral?
I have a couple. Angel by Sarah McLachlin, I Grieve by Peter Gabriel, The Grace by Never Ending White Lights, and then King of Spain by Moxy Fruvous to lighten the mood!
So their's my answers folks. Take time and answer this quiz yourself. It's fun and you might be surprised by some of the answers you give.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Happiness and frustration.
I'm going through a gambit of emotions this week. On one hand I'm quite happy. I received my belt promotion in Karate and was pleasently surprised to find out that my belt was something special. I won a regional prize this year for the Kick-a-thon fundraiser we had but assumed that I would be getting a track suit as my award. Instead, and much more to my liking, I received a personally embroidered belt, brought in from Japan, which has my name in Japanese on one end of the belt and Kyokushin Karate on the other. For me, this is something truly special.
Achieving 6th Kyu is somewhat of a milestone for me. I've trained Kyokushin for 6 years now, but not all of that was consecutive. I originally started training back in 1997, but in the fall/winter of 1999 I unfortunately had to quit. I was in school at the time, in debt, not working much and just couldn't afford to do it. The really difficult thing for me was that I had to stop before I reached the level I am now. I was 1 month away from being a 6th Kyu, which is a yellow belt in our style. I never made it. Almost 3 years would pass until I began to train again. You are allowed a 1 year period where if you do not train and come back you will be allowed to stay at your previous belt level. I had to begin again as a white belt, but I'm very glad I did. I've learned so much more in the past 3 years of training and I believe I'm much better for it. And this belt promotion means that much more. So this is my happiness for the week.
My frustration comes to me from the world of comics, and more specifically the people printing my comic and the folks who run the San Diego Comic Con. First up is my printer. The folks at Comixpress are great and delivered our last book (Fablequest) in time for our show in May. Their product is great and the price of printing can't be beat. But what is bothering me now is that I'm on a tight deadline with SDCC coming up in July and I need to know what's happening with The Sorrow. I'd like to take a few copies with me to show to publishers and friends, but I can't do that if they can't get me the books on time. The e-mail we received when we first sent off the files said that "on or before the 20th of June we would receive an e-mail to let us know the status of our book." Sounds good to me. Except the 20th was yesterday. It's now 9:30 pm on the 21st and I still don't know the status of my book. GRRRRRRRR!
And now onto the folks at SDCC. I sent them a package on the 23rd of May by Xpress Post with my form for Professional Status for this years convention, as well as a copy of Fablequest for verification. They had a deadline of June 6th for applications, so I assumed I sent off everything with plenty of time. I did the same thing last year and everything was good. This year they've updated the Comic-Con website with a list of professional who will be attending. I'm not on the list. So I've taken the steps needed to find out why. I've e-mailed them twice; no response. I've called them a couple of time at the number they gave me; I never get to talk to a real person and the mailbox for messages is always full. AHHHHHHHHH! I know this is an incredibly busy time for them and I truly understand that. But I'm travelling to San Diego from Calgary, Alberta, "CANADA". It's a long fucking trip! It would be nice to know what's going on. Did they even receive my package? Do they need more information? All it takes is a few minutes to type me an e-mail and let me know. Last year we found out at the convention that we had badges as they didn't update the site on time. But this year they did; so what's the deal folks? All I want is to know if I have a pass or not. I'll make other arrangements to get into the convention if I have to, but I need to know my status first.Very frustrating!
I'm very much a planner, especially when it comes to my comic activities. I want to know what's going on so I can make the appropriate plans. Not knowing and waiting really gets to me. Hopefully someone let's me know and soon. Until then I get to flip-flop between "Damn this belt is so cool!" and "Why the fuck won't anyone get back to me?". Bloody hell!
Achieving 6th Kyu is somewhat of a milestone for me. I've trained Kyokushin for 6 years now, but not all of that was consecutive. I originally started training back in 1997, but in the fall/winter of 1999 I unfortunately had to quit. I was in school at the time, in debt, not working much and just couldn't afford to do it. The really difficult thing for me was that I had to stop before I reached the level I am now. I was 1 month away from being a 6th Kyu, which is a yellow belt in our style. I never made it. Almost 3 years would pass until I began to train again. You are allowed a 1 year period where if you do not train and come back you will be allowed to stay at your previous belt level. I had to begin again as a white belt, but I'm very glad I did. I've learned so much more in the past 3 years of training and I believe I'm much better for it. And this belt promotion means that much more. So this is my happiness for the week.
My frustration comes to me from the world of comics, and more specifically the people printing my comic and the folks who run the San Diego Comic Con. First up is my printer. The folks at Comixpress are great and delivered our last book (Fablequest) in time for our show in May. Their product is great and the price of printing can't be beat. But what is bothering me now is that I'm on a tight deadline with SDCC coming up in July and I need to know what's happening with The Sorrow. I'd like to take a few copies with me to show to publishers and friends, but I can't do that if they can't get me the books on time. The e-mail we received when we first sent off the files said that "on or before the 20th of June we would receive an e-mail to let us know the status of our book." Sounds good to me. Except the 20th was yesterday. It's now 9:30 pm on the 21st and I still don't know the status of my book. GRRRRRRRR!
And now onto the folks at SDCC. I sent them a package on the 23rd of May by Xpress Post with my form for Professional Status for this years convention, as well as a copy of Fablequest for verification. They had a deadline of June 6th for applications, so I assumed I sent off everything with plenty of time. I did the same thing last year and everything was good. This year they've updated the Comic-Con website with a list of professional who will be attending. I'm not on the list. So I've taken the steps needed to find out why. I've e-mailed them twice; no response. I've called them a couple of time at the number they gave me; I never get to talk to a real person and the mailbox for messages is always full. AHHHHHHHHH! I know this is an incredibly busy time for them and I truly understand that. But I'm travelling to San Diego from Calgary, Alberta, "CANADA". It's a long fucking trip! It would be nice to know what's going on. Did they even receive my package? Do they need more information? All it takes is a few minutes to type me an e-mail and let me know. Last year we found out at the convention that we had badges as they didn't update the site on time. But this year they did; so what's the deal folks? All I want is to know if I have a pass or not. I'll make other arrangements to get into the convention if I have to, but I need to know my status first.Very frustrating!
I'm very much a planner, especially when it comes to my comic activities. I want to know what's going on so I can make the appropriate plans. Not knowing and waiting really gets to me. Hopefully someone let's me know and soon. Until then I get to flip-flop between "Damn this belt is so cool!" and "Why the fuck won't anyone get back to me?". Bloody hell!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
The Deadline Dash ended at 2 am Tuesday.
Wow, what an exhausting weekend. After 4 straight days of bustin' ass we completed The Sorrow at 2 a.m. Tuesday morning. The good folks at Comixpress have recieved the files and now we play the waiting game to see if they can get the books back to us on time for the San Diego Con. All the hard work seemed worth it to hear Kevin, Dwight, and my parents tell me that it looks great. Of course, I wouldn't be much of an artist if I didn't have my personal doubts. Or my list of things I feel could have been done better if I had more time. But the end result is a comic book that I can be proud of. An accomplishment. A dream fulfilled!
Hopefully in 3-4 weeks I'll have some copies to share with the world. In the meantime, here's the cover (thanks to my friend Rove!) and one of my favorite pages. Please enjoy and thank you to everyone who had words of encouragement for me. They really helped me out.

Hopefully in 3-4 weeks I'll have some copies to share with the world. In the meantime, here's the cover (thanks to my friend Rove!) and one of my favorite pages. Please enjoy and thank you to everyone who had words of encouragement for me. They really helped me out.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006
One more weekend of madness.
Hello everybody! (Hey Dr. Nick!)
I've been working my drawing hand to the bare bones over the past few weekends in hopes of finishing issue 1 of The Sorrow. I have one more weekend left to to it. 4 days, 10 pages of art left, 22 pages of greyscaling and lettering. I'm seriously going to need some drugs. And loads of coffee. But I know it will get done. Somehow I always manage to finish. I have Kevin helping with scanning and lettering, and hopefully I'll even have a cover page from my friend Rove. So it's all good. I even managed to finish this week's Twice Thursday early so I can start working on stuff tommorow night. Everybody needs to check it out this week. I had some "artistic help" with the strip and it is truly something to see. :D
All I need to do now is put it in cruise control. 10 pages between Thursday night and Sunday morning leaves all day Sunday and Monday to finish things up. Send it off Monday night and we're away to the races. Well, at least it sounds good in theory! I'll keep you posted.
On a side note, I finished my belt testing in Karate this week. Overall I think I did just fine. I got stuck on my self-defence but managed to pull through. My katas were good and I was fortunate enough to be able to fight 8 fights this time around. I'm only required to fight 4 fights, but as one of only a few Open Division fighters in our club I always enjoy fighting more. I feel I did quite well for not doing any fighting for almost 7 weeks, and walked away in good health with the exception of my left thumb which always seems to get banged up. Last fight this time too, bugger all! So *fingers crossed* I did good. I'll know in 2 weeks.
I've been working my drawing hand to the bare bones over the past few weekends in hopes of finishing issue 1 of The Sorrow. I have one more weekend left to to it. 4 days, 10 pages of art left, 22 pages of greyscaling and lettering. I'm seriously going to need some drugs. And loads of coffee. But I know it will get done. Somehow I always manage to finish. I have Kevin helping with scanning and lettering, and hopefully I'll even have a cover page from my friend Rove. So it's all good. I even managed to finish this week's Twice Thursday early so I can start working on stuff tommorow night. Everybody needs to check it out this week. I had some "artistic help" with the strip and it is truly something to see. :D
All I need to do now is put it in cruise control. 10 pages between Thursday night and Sunday morning leaves all day Sunday and Monday to finish things up. Send it off Monday night and we're away to the races. Well, at least it sounds good in theory! I'll keep you posted.
On a side note, I finished my belt testing in Karate this week. Overall I think I did just fine. I got stuck on my self-defence but managed to pull through. My katas were good and I was fortunate enough to be able to fight 8 fights this time around. I'm only required to fight 4 fights, but as one of only a few Open Division fighters in our club I always enjoy fighting more. I feel I did quite well for not doing any fighting for almost 7 weeks, and walked away in good health with the exception of my left thumb which always seems to get banged up. Last fight this time too, bugger all! So *fingers crossed* I did good. I'll know in 2 weeks.
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